Popular automobile insurance companies do not cold call people to renew or extend their warranty. These companies do not even push mail to avoid spamming, but you might have to look into this matter if you are still receiving messages and emails from big insurance companies. These people may be scammers baiting you to pay for the fake car insurance and extended warranty. Many people have lost money to these scammers as they have failed to recognize their frauds. We are here to help you so you do not end up like them.

It can take a lot of work to decide whether calls or texts about your warranty are genuine. There are many ways to recognize automobile warranty and insurance scams. You should do the following if you suspect scammers are on to you:

Spot a bot and pre-recorded voices.      

Since bigger companies use the Ai generated records to call their customers, scammers have taken the same approach. These calls directly copy those messages and an attempt to win your trust. Once you give in your details, these scammers will immediately do the worst to you and empty your bank accounts. But if you listen carefully, you will find distinct differences between these calls. If you ever find shoddy calls bothering you to renew your car insurance, you will know whom you are dealing with. Stop what you are doing and block the number first to prevent these insurance scams.

Ask for a written copy of the warranty Agreement.                        

If the automobile warranty company does not provide you with a written copy of the warranty agreement, you are in trouble. Fake automobile warranty companies encourage people to buy their fake extended car warranty online rather than offline. They will charge you extra fees upon asking for a copy of the warranty agreement. They will make excuses after getting your money and never deliver the agreement. Avoid automobile warranty and insurance scams like this, and always ask for original copies to send you over the mail. Prevent any online warranty extension unless it is from a genuine company.           

Do not listen to the pushy sales tactics.

Scammers might have already gathered some information about you before calling or contacting you by other means. They will use that information when communicating and even share details about your car to convince you. If that does not work, they will become aggressive and demand you to make a purchase or blackmail you. No matter how hard they try, do not listen to them; disconnect the call, and you will be easily saved from the automobile warranty and insurance scams.

If you see that your newly purchased warranty claim is denied, do not panic. It could be a technical malfunction. But it would help if you were always careful and did not renew your car’s insurance and warranty from random websites. If you were scammed, report it immediately to the police and stay vigilant to avoid automobile warranty and insurance scams easily without any problems.